prepare your dog to be ready for the hunting season

Prepare your dog to be ready for the hunting season

The opening of the hunting season in France, be it as early as the end of August or as late as the end of September, is usually synonymous with high temperatures. Your dog takes the brunt of these harsh conditions. Would you like some tips on how to best prepare your dog for the opening? Then check out this article and interview prepared with the help of a professional.

#1 Managing exertion

The summer period, along with an intense workload during the hunt, tires the dog. Managing your dog's exertion levels will enable it to be more efficient during hunting sessions.

S: How should you manage your dogs' outings at the beginning of the season?

D: "I generally prefer to do a few short runs rather than one long one. It's really ideal for the dogs, so they can have recovery time between sessions. It also enables them to stay hydrated. A dog will be more physically efficient with a more evenly distributed workload."

#2 Temperature control

As you may know, dogs do not sweat. Their only method of dissipating heat is by panting.

S: How can you regulate your dog's temperature?

D: "To keep the dog's temperature down, water is the main solution. You can wet the dog as much as possible. This will enable bringing down its body temperature more quickly. Ideally, you should carry a water bottle in the car so that you can douse the dog thoroughly in case of overheating. ”

prepare your dog to be ready for the hunting season

#3 Hydration

Hydration is a key factor to keep in mind during the summer months, especially when your dog is exercising.

Solognac: When should you give your dog a drink?

"The ideal would be to have it drink a lot after exercising. As with humans, hydration favours the recovery process. Of course, regular hydration during exercise is also important. I think it is always important to change the dog's water so that it is always clear and fresh."

S:Can it drink from anywhere?

"Basically, yes the dog can drink anywhere, although this could lead to diarrhoea. Therefore, I advise against letting the dog drink from standing water even though it is difficult to prevent. I therefore try to limit access to puddles, preferring to let the dog drink from small streams or even from clear water that I carry with me in a collapsible soft bowl. For this reason, I always advise bringing a bottle of water or a canteen."

#4 Feeding

In order to prevent any risk of gastric reflux in the dog, I advise against feeding it immediately after exercise.

S: When should the dog eat?

"My dogs eat at fixed times. During the hunting season, this rule should not be broken. For me, the evening is the best time to feed them, this way they have time to recover from their effort. ”

#5 Treatment & prevention

Outings in warm weather often involve ticks and fleas on dogs, as well as injuries that may seem harmless, but actually are not. So be sure to check your dog after each outing.

S: What can be done to treat these parasites?

"Anyone who owns a dog should know how to treat their dog for parasites.
First of all, I advise a thorough brushing of your dog after the hunt to check for ticks and fleas. If parasites are present, there are treatments, collars, shampoos, and the like that can be purchased from a vet or specialty pet shop that will enable you to rid your dog of the parasites."

S: What are the other concerns that need to be addressed?

"One of the main points to watch out for is "spikelets". This grass-like plant known by different names in different regions i.e. espigons, crebassats, espangassats, voyageurs, and spigaous, etc., has the ability to cling to the animal's fur and progress to the inside of the animal's skin. One must therefore be very careful with this plant as it can also enter the respiratory tract. ”

#6 Vaccines and other treatments

"To avoid any problems, it is essential to update all vaccinations and other anti-parasite treatments. It is therefore important to consult the dog's health record or the veterinarian who treats your dog to find out the status of its vaccinations.