compound bow archery training

Top tips for enjoying a good compound bow training session at home

As long as you take care to ensure you're shooting in safe conditions, you can practice archery with your compound bow within your private property.

Fancy practicing compound bow archery in your garden?As long as you take care to ensure you're shooting in safe conditions, you can practice archery with your compound bow within your private property.In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know, including the equipment needed, the precautions to take, and a suggested training session plan.

1/ The equipment you'll need for your archery training session

In order to train in the best conditions, here's the kit you'll need:

- A compound bow, correctly adjusted
- A release mechanism, an essential element for shooting a compound bow
- Arrows. The arrows used should be suited to your strength and body shape. Only use target arrowheads for your training sessions.
- A target. It should be made of foam, which is suitable for the power of the compound bow.
- A bullseye target face. For working on your aim, counting points, etc.

You also have the option of using a backstop net. It goes behind the target, between two posts. This net will catch any arrows that have missed the target.

A money-saving alternative? Fill a box with old clothes and/or sheets, well packed down!Make sure to fill it generously.
A fun alternative? Look into 3D targets.

Please note: You should be thorough and demanding when choosing the equipment you use, particularly when it comes to the target.

Never shoot into a wooden plank, wall, bale of hay, or folded cardboard, etc.Improvised targets like these do not offer any guarantee of safety, either for yourself or those around you, as they may deflect the arrow or may not offer a sufficient block for it.They'll also damage your arrows. As an archer, you should not make any compromises when it comes to your safety.

2/ Safety precautions to take for your archery training with a compound bow

The set-up for your garden training.

Remember, an arrow can travel distances of over 200 metres. So, when you're training, it's super important to correctly position your target. Keep in mind that the correct positioning is an important measure for ensuring safety, even if your arrow misses the target. For this, do not place the target in the direction of your home or your neigbour's property. If you don't have any other options, an archery backstop net is a must.
If you have a small hill or mound of earth on your land, you can shoot towards it. 

There should be no passage space behind the target.Above all, avoid unexpected crossings of the space that you can't anticipate, particularly by a visual obstacle.

We can't repeat it enough: Never place the target against a wall. As your target becomes worn over time, the arrows may be blocked, but they may pierce through the back a little. For the reasons we mentioned earlier, never place your target against a hay bale or bush. 

Don't start taking a leaf out of Robin Hood's book! An archer never shoots into the air.When you shoot into the air, it's impossible to control the trajectory of your arrow, and thus you don't have total control and can't guarantee safe practice.

The recommended shooting distance is 5 to 20 metres. The less experienced you are, the closer you should be to the target.The more accurate your shooting needs to be, the more distance you can put between yourself and the target, always respecting the maximum distance.

Archer safety

Our first tip is to establish a routine, a sort of ritual with your bow and equipment. Before each time you use your bow, make sure that you check that all elements are secure: Sight, arrow rest, cable guard, draw stop, draw module. These checks should become an automatic reflex whenever you take your bow out of its bag.
Check that your arrows are in good condition.Carbon arrows should be fully intact. If it's split or chipped, or if it shows any sign of damage or wear, you must not use it, as this poses a serious risk of injury.

When training, you'll also need to make sure you adopt the correct position for shooting the bow. Take the time to work on it, to get the action right.

Finally, after shooting, retrieve your arrows safely. Wait for all archers to finish shooting before approaching the target. To remove arrows from the target, it's all about using counterweight.  You can either place your hand flat, with the arrow between your thumb and index finger, or firmly hold the target before pulling the arrow with the other hand.

Compound bow archery training

Archer safety

Our first tip is to establish a routine, a sort of ritual with your bow and equipment. Before each time you use your bow, make sure that you check that all elements are secure: Sight, arrow rest, cable guard, draw stop, draw module. These checks should become an automatic reflex whenever you take your bow out of its bag.
Check that your arrows are in good condition.Carbon arrows should be fully intact.If it's split or chipped, or if it shows any sign of damage or wear, you must not use it, as this poses a serious risk of injury.

When training, you'll also need to make sure you adopt the right position for shooting the bow. Take the time to work on it, to get the action right.

Finally, after shooting, retrieve your arrows safely. Wait for all archers to finish shooting before approaching the target. To remove arrows from the target, it's all about using counterweight.  You can either place your hand flat, with the arrow between your thumb and index finger, or firmly hold the target before pulling the arrow with the other hand.

3/ A plan for your archery training session

Always start your training sessions by warming up your shoulders, using large movements, rotating your arms. As an archer, you'll know that a compound bow is a powerful bit of kit to handle, and your shoulders will be put to use!Also take time to stretch after you've finished your session.

Adapt your distance to your level.
Don't hesitate to start closer to the target to build your confidence. Don't get your target face out straight away. You need to warm up! Focus on your technique and getting into the right position, instead of worrying about the result on the target.
For this step, shoot 5 volleys with at least 3 arrows each.

If you're a seasoned archer, comfortable at this distance and have your sight adjusted, move back to a distance of 20 metres.
If you're a beginner archer, move back a little bit and shoot another 5 volleys of at least 3 arrows each.

Now you're all warmed up, we can move onto the serious work!

Place your bullseye target face onto the target to work on your precision and accuracy. A 60 cm bullseye will do the trick.

If you're looking for an interesting training exercise, try avoiding the bullseye. Use scissors to cut out the middle of the target face: The two yellow circles and the first red circle. Position the target face with the white side showing. The aim of this exercise is to work on your precision, without the distraction of the colours on the target. As you progress, remove less of the colours, so that you end up with only the "10" zone to aim for. Of course, the aim is for all arrows to land in the cut-out part.

For a fun training session that will prepare you for shooting in nature or at 3D targets, you can vary your shooting positions. Shooting on your knees, while leaning forward or backward, or standing on a stable, higher point. The aim of this exercise is to retain excellent archery posture, regardless of the position of your body in the shooting space.

Compound bow archery training

If you're a fan of archery, we'd definitely recommend signing up to join a club.  The Solognac 500 khaki bow is ideal for target shooting in both club and competition settings.

Lastly, it's worth noting that there are 3D shooting courses open to the public, so you can train all year-round, outdoors and in total safety, and you can enjoy, or discover, an experience similar to bow hunting.

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