Advices to practice with your hunting dog

Our hunting dog advices

You hunt with your dog and you want tips about the practice ? We advise you there.



Choosing a hunting dog as a puppy is a very important decision in the life of a hunter. Adopting a puppy means committing to a relationship that will last for many years. Choosing the breed, picking the puppy, and welcoming the dog into your home, we will try to guide you in the choice of your future hunting companion.

prepare your dog to be ready for the hunting season

prepare your dog to be ready for the hunting season

With the high temperature and difficult exercise conditions, which actions should you take with your dogs to be ready for the opening?

correct your dog's dry food ration

Correct your dog's dry food ration

Each dog, depending on its breed, size, age, time of year and frequency of exercise, has very different needs in terms of nutrition. It is therefore essential to correct its daily ration of food.

Woodcock hunting with your dog

Woodcock hunting with your dog

Woodcock hunting without an experienced hunting dog is nearly impossible. How to prepare and equip your hunting dog? What to expect from your dog in the field? How to create a symbiotic relationship between master and dog?

How to channel your dog's energy: is it essential?

How to channel your dog's energy: is it essential?

Is your dog bursting with energy? Do you manage to channel it during your hunting trips, or not? Don't panic, here are our tips and advice for more peace and quiet.

How to start training your puppy?

How to start training your puppy? Our tips for a successful start-up.

Here it is, your hunting dog puppy has arrived at home. Let's take a look at how to get things off to a good start in its new environment.